Bye Bye Earth #07 — Growing the Harem

August 23rd, 2024


I've lost the plot here entirely, if one ever existed.


I'm sorry, did I miss in a previous episode that Adonis's father's name is "Tom Collins"? Boy, I can't wait to meet "Sex on the Beach." Oh, and he was killed by Belle's substitute father figure noble dude at some random point off screen because it was an order from god. We're not even one minute into the episode and everything is already completely off the rails. Then she bumps into some random girl who gets a nosebleed and is super excited about drinking her own blood, so she drags her home where she's apparently shacked up with her mermaid boyfriend and that one random goat dude who's just sitting around drinking.

Anyway, turns out that Adonis is acutally some kind of secret sword-repairer on a holy mission and… uh… succeeds at it by dribbling some goop on that one centaur's sword? Adonis wanders back to Belle's harem to tell the story about how some random dude showed up one day and accidentally infected his father with a blood curse that instead affected him, so he proposes to Belle. Uh, sure. Another random dude to lounge around the pile of other dudes. So they all take the princess singer lady out to a bar to listen to a lounge singer, the end. 

I genuinely have no idea what this show is even trying to do any more. You'd think anybody would have cared about Adonis's dad dying, but I guess not. I don't even know why we're still doing sidequests around town so that we can… leave town, after needing permission to enter in the first place.


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