Bye Bye Earth #04 — Arboreal Abominations

August 2nd, 2024


What the hell even are those things?


I continue to not be able to follow any of this whatsoever. Apparently saving her parents from a random slaver attack was a sacred mission, one of three, that she has to do because… I still have no idea. I thought she got her permission or whatever to go be a traveler already. But not such a sacred mission that it doesn't come with a giant sack of money as a reward. Then most of the middle is spent on the angsty dude and a bunch of plants with cats/dog heads. He's basically the same as the bunny dude, right down to the soldiers trying to beat him up because we need ridiculous bullies to counter-bully. He also has super powers in the form of a larger plant dog thing with a pocket dimension to his own luxury apartment full of riches. The dog is also a super spy and goes anywhere and everywhere.

Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, they both join the army to fight some random dude, or perhaps woman, who was sleeping around too much, but now lives in disgrace in a haunted cave. But not just a regular army, but a marching band army where they're being judged not by how they fight but by how… in sync and formation they are? How much of a performance they put on? It's hard to tell because they spend about five minutes announcing how ridiculous and nonsensical it is without ever showing anything whatsoever, so we're just left with… five minutes of them announcing how dumb it is. I guess, you convinced me you're correct? Good job?

Next Episode:

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