Shy #17 — Trolley Problems

July 29th, 2024


I hate Mondays.


Yeah, I think I'm done with this show too. The truly damning moment was the bit where the dragon dude attacked. Someone yelled: "Look out, he's about to attack!" And then everybody stood there and did absolutely nothing. To be followed by "Oh no! We're trapped. There's nothing we can do!" "Ha ha! I've trapped you! There's nothing you can do!" "Leave it to me. I'll do something." And then pointed in his direction, instantly knocking him out, but not bothering to, you know, restrain him or anything when they could instead redeclare that they need to hurry before sauntering away, not hurrying at all. That scene took maybe 20 seconds, and it is a perfect encapsulation of everything that has gone wrong with this show. There were also at least four or five other instances of "We've got to hurry!" on top of that, all of which were followed by them leisurely strolling away in no hurry whatsoever. 

And I haven't even gotten to the new antagonist it introduced, a dragon dude who likes cute things and is insecure about it. He's matched up against the Chinese cute dude who wants to look more masculine. They scream at each other that gender norms have done them personally the bigger wrong and… that's it. They don't fight, unless you can call two stills an action scene. It's just two dudes yelling about gender stereotypes for probably six or seven minutes in total across the episode. Oh, and the Joker girl shows up again to explain what trolley problems are. Very timely, if it even was when the manga did it.


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