Shy #15 — Now Featuring Uno
July 15th, 2024
Remember when this show had antagonists in it?
God, yes. This is exactly what I hoped for in a show about superheroes fighting against a dude and his harem of Persona'd up crazy girls, a sleepover where they play Uno. What an utter disappointment this show continues to be with what should be a lay up of a premise. Three episodes in a row now of this season where the only thing that 'advances' is in the final minute or two where a supposed antagonist pops in to say that they'll totally be up to something, any minute now, just hang on there another few episodes. Yeah, yeah, secret nihilistic sister. Don't care. Do something, you melodramatic jackasses. Or is this one single arc and antagonist going to be devouring the entire goddamned season? Because that's sure the message you've been sending so far.
It'd take a damn barn burner of an episode next week for me to want to keep going. Mondays and Tuesdays look to be complete washes this season.
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The longer they can keep Kufufu out of the show, the happier I’ll be.