Suicide Squad in Wonderland #03 — Rat Porn

June 27th, 2024


Where do you even find that?


Were there multiple entire scenes missing from the script here? They fight off the knight, and then, all of a sudden, they're in chains again. The princess orders the dude to bring them to her to talk to them, and then ignores them. The princess is a Harley clone, and everybody in the room just doesn't notice? And then we get this whole obnoxious long explanation about how being in a magic world gives your powers extra magic powers, before not three minutes later, one of them yells "Hey, wait a minute. Your power used to be only rats. Why is it now all animals!?" Every character being an oblivious imbecile is certainly a choice, I guess, but it's not helping the feeling I have that this was written not by a human but by ChatGPT.

After three episodes, I'm very underimpressed, and especially if you compare it to other Suicide Squad DCAU stuff like Assault on Arkham or Hell To Pay, which at about 80 minute runtimes, told entire enclosed stories while this has barely really gotten to the first antagonist, and is probably at least an episode off from wrapping up the first arc. Nor does it have the snappy dialogue and good humor that most DC animated stuff has. Some puerile toilet jokes here and that are weak at best. The script is just plain bad, and at a 10 episode count, we're nearly a third of the way through the show. While it's certainly better animated than most anime these days, what action that exists isn't impressive and definitely not well directed nor choreographed.

The whole thing, just like the premise suggests, reeks of being half-assed, without any actual enthusiasm or passion put into any part of it. It's missing the manic energy I've come to expect from the Harley/Suicide Squad franchise, and just plain isn't fun. That's on top of the repetition, pacing, and plot hole issues.


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