Returner’s Magic #02 — Magical Circle Spam

October 14th, 2023


With even less movement than a Touhou boss.


Yeeeah. This is more action oriented, but good god, it does not have the animation nor direction chops for it. All the fights were just people standing rock still as random magic circles appeared around them and then fired, disappeared, or fired and then disappeared. It wants to come off as badass how they're just staring at each other, completely immune to damage due to all the magicking going on, but… they're just standing there. Telling you how clever and cool the things that you're definitely not seeing are. Had the budget actually been there, this could've been a really fun, action packed episode. Instead, it's largely disappointment, going out on a ridiculous shot of the heroine's chest bouncing hard enough to uppercut herself.

I'm not even fully certain if he's meant to be using his future power levels or what here. I would assume yes, since it's been largely dickwaving about who has the highest power level, but it'd be far more interesting if he was being clever or having to adapt to how him messing with them was changing how this played out. The most fun parts was when he fireballed himself as a rocket, which you'd think at least one person at some point would have done and would be a common strategy, but I guess we also have dudes wearing full body armor to a foot race, so these aren't the best and brightest. 

Next Episode:

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