Frieren #01 — People Stuffed in Boxes

September 29th, 2023


Weird fetish, but okay.

Thankfully, the only place that seems to be calling the four hour marathon a single episode is the official website, so we'll go with the in-episode numbering, split it up accordingly and see how far I make it.


I always find it a little complicated to try to talk about shows where I come off the episode basically asleep. Is it fair to be critical of them when that's the vibe that they're going for? Absolutely! But do I suspect that most people are just going to be watching it for superficial emotional flagellation and will be happy with looking at some nicely drawn forests and being lulled into a stupor by pastoral music? Also yes. So if that's what you want, then you can probably bail here, because I'm probably going to be getting inappropriately overanalytical from here out.

I will say that there's nothing new really here, especially for those like me who have browsed a fantasy visual novel or seventy eight in their day. Even in the most vapid and trashiest of the lot, there is always at least one immortal elf/fairy/vampire/book/god who makes a big ol' lament about how tragic their immortality is and how they'll outlive their human companions, but they'll bang 'em anyway, because their love is eternal or whatever. It is the only character arc an elf is allowed to have, apparently. Any tears to be jerked over the curse of immortality have long left me, along with any admiration for the noble humans facing their deaths with self-satisfied pride.


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