The Genes of AI #05 — Fixing Teenagers With Brain Surgery

August 4th, 2023


Hoo boy. Let's get fraught.


I think I'm calling it quits here based on the A plot of this episode. An android kid has problems interacting with his peers and mother, but finds refuge and is genuinely talented at playing the piano. So they 'fix' him with brain surgery, and he no longer cares about music in the process. If you're looking for some kind of message, insight, or even any kind of awareness of the possible commentary here on neurodivergent people and different ways people express themselves and struggle to do so through different mediums, it ain't here. He's just… done with piano, and now a well-adjusted kid. What's a little brain surgery to fix a teenager after all?

It's not even that it's taking some kind of horrifying stance. It's that it doesn't seem to be aware of the ethical and moral issues it's raising at all, nor really showing that any attempt had been made to help him. It's not like he was torturing small animals or in the making of a future serial killer either. There have been Law and Order episodes that confronted this kind of thing in their own awful ways, but still at least understanding that it's pretty messed up. But even that is undermined by him being able to interact with the main dude normally and is happy with his piano. It's just such a mess.


Next Episode:

Well, that's horrifying.

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