The Capable Cat #04 — Double Date

July 28th, 2023


Literally no child is that well behaved.


Why does it have to be a niece when a daughter from an ex has far more comedic potential? In fact, exes in general are an almost totally untapped bank of comedy that anime just seems loathe to touch as anything but "something that happened in the first 5 seconds of the premise and will be faffed over for the next 20 episodes." Well, any actual relationship in general falls into that category. Even the ones where they kiss rarely do any actual relationship stuff.

Anyway, enough avoiding talking about the episode, but this is why I'm hesitant to even cover this. I don't know what there is to say here. They go to the water-idol themed concert. Dude brings his niece. She… is a perfectly behaved small child and it is an idol concert. They sing about being idols with their dead-fish eyed thousand yard stares. At least there wasn't a CGI concert, only CGI fish, and the seats of this knockoff Sea World afternoon child's event were anything but packed. That may make it the most realistic idol concert I've seen in anime since 2007. The filler segments at the end were better and once again remembered some of the 'wacky' things about a cat and/or embarassing a housemate.

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