Level 1 Overlord #01 — LOUD NOISES

June 25th, 2023


Not starting out great for the summer!

I'm not actually sure where the pre-air here came from as it's not listed on the official page, which hasn't been updated in about a month. Anyway, it starts actually broadcasting July 3rd.


I'm not going to say that these "hero and/or villain are actually pathetic" shows can't be funny or well written. Who didn't enjoy Mystery Men or even Megamind after all? But that should also go to show how long the media industry writ large has been beating this horse, and you're going to have to bring something above and beyond the premise to make yourself stand out. And here, the special spice is a screaming child. Whether pinning down the fanservice bait for crotch shots, or yelling about how pathetic the hero has become, the only consistent in this episode is that the main character is screaming her head off. The horse has not only been beaten to death, but is already probably closer to glue than animal.

So there's your jokes. The demon lord used to be Generic Demon Lord but now is a tauntruming little girl. The hero used to be Generic Hero but now is a bit of a disillusioned bum. Enjoy that being explained, reacted to, re-explained, re-reacted to, and then four more times for good measure just to make sure that the joke has not only been made but has been pulverized by repetition until nothing is left but the screams of the characters echoing in your ears. That is not just your premise, but the entire story and script of the first episode. Dare to be ambitious.

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