Dead Mount Death Play #10 — Leave The Goddamned Room

June 12th, 2023


Leave the god forsaken stupid room.


What in god's name was this episode? Take everything godawful about the last two weeks, and add in a gratuitous as hell shower scene where the camera was laser-locked onto fog covered nipples rubbing together, and a screamed montage recap of the premise of the show. Or does the trashy fanservice make it better than the previous two? Does taking a shower count as leaving the goddamned room for the first time in a month?

I don't get what it's even trying to do here. It's attempting to put together the kind of nonsense conspiracy theory that needs an entire wall of corkboard and strings to keep track of, but the conspiracy isn't actually about anybody doing anything, nor affecting the characters in any way. It's just something… there… to marvel and be amazed at, I guess. And it's being presented through mainly corny slapstick and schtick. Does this really work for people? How?  


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