The Heavenly Delusion #06 — Local Bears In Your Area

May 6th, 2023


Teenagers having sex!


I continue to not be a big fan of the humor in this show, especially the screaming and overreactions through the entire bear encounter. And yes, it was just a bear with mange, which apparently his magic hands don't work against for some reason. Mostly though, the constant gags kept the entire first half from having any tension. It was just doing schtick with a large bear in the background. Yelling, annoying schtick.

Which went straight into the very, very unfortunate second half of the episode. Both for the "you owe me a groping which I will take by force," and the teenage prostitution. There has to have been a better way to show that his power does work on people too, likely foreshadowing that all the real monsters are mutated people. The two vault kids hooking up after a maybe-nightmare of an alien watcher turning her legs into jell-o was the least iffy sex between thirteen year olds of the episode, which is certainly a sentence.


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