Dead Mount Death Play #04 — Oh No! More Lemmings!
May 1st, 2023
Please, just stand there even longer.
Unless next week doesn't suck, I think I'd rather go with Marginal Service over this, if for no other reason than to just marvel at whatever references it decides to use. I feel like that's more fun than rolling my eyes at the weird-ass writing this has decided to pull, with the city apparently being awash in bizarrely named secret serial killers. You can't start and end an episode going "*gasp* LEMMINGS!?" and have it not be utterly ridiculous.
But anyway, this was once again another horrifically paced episode. I began it wondering if they were even going to make it out of the house and had a tiny bit of hope when they did after only three minutes. But then about thirty seconds later, they got stuck in an alley, which is where they remained for the next 50% of the episode, having a conversation with the fighty pretty boy cop that mostly consisted of really bad visuals to try to show how menacing he was. He's just standing there… threateningly. Way to prioritize the animation and writing budgets by not even bothering to try on either front.
Posted in Death Play | 1 Comment »
aroduc, don’t review it but still watch birdie wing as the last two eps are
ep 3 – ‘ Terrible TV Plot Twists’ nonsense
ep 4 – the mafia nonsense and stinky tits are back.
also all i have to say about this is how that girl hasn’t been caught as she is the most blatant killer i’ve seen.