The Hero is Dead #04 — Precious Bodily Fluids

April 27th, 2023


I should rewatch Dr. Strangelove.


I think the whole "We need you to pee on the hero" thing is probably the death knell for the series. I survived stuff like Juuden and even Ikkitousen. A little urine is not the end of the world, but the show's not really getting any better either. It's not the same kind of amusing stupidity as, say, Iceblade Sorceror or that other weird furry not-Atelier show from a couple seasons ago. Those felt like they were actually trying to be good, but were just plain bad and weird about it, which made them endearing in their fumbling, like a puppy attempting to fight a slipper. Whereas this spends a couple minutes setting up a pee fetish probably-but-I-can't-actually-be-sure gag, and I cannot say that I'm at all eager to see if it is a gag, watersports fanservice, or both.

The antagonist here is just a cackling lunatic obsessed with skeletons. The other new lady also just scowls. The animation remains quite godawful. The protagonists continue to yell their overreactions. The episode was basically just everybody going to the place, and then the baddie declaring his power level was now higher… and they all went with it. None of these are selling points to me. I think I'll reserve the next couple Wednesday/Thursdays at least for various massively overdo site upkeep stuff and other similar things. Next week, let's start by figuring out what the hell to do with the whole translation side of this site, I suppose.

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