The Hero is Dead! #03 — Boneitis
April 20th, 2023
Too many skeletons this season.
Well, there was a lot less obnoxious yelling than the previous two episodes, and weirdly, it seems to be trying to focus more on putting together some kind of story. There was even an A plot of Touka and the princess and a B plot of the rest of the harem getting kidnapped by the cackling mad lunatic du jour. A particularly unsubtle dude who can't go four seconds without emitting an evil glare and steepling his fingers to menacingly threaten. I did not say it was a subtle story.
So the grating parts are toned down, but I don't know that I'd say that the comedy is working any better either, nor is the story itself particularly engaging. The last member of the harem (at least by OP/ED) being introduced here is pretty dull. She has some disease that makes her eat a lot and temporarily gain a bunch of fat and flesh. Gee, what a convenient affliction completely mirroring the problem they have that not a single character has noticed in any way, shape, or form. Maybe I just take a nap on Wednesdays and Thursdays this season.
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