The Heavenly Delusion #03 — Fallout: Kart Racer
April 15th, 2023
Please don't, Bethesda.
The entire thing was a flashback for the origin story of Gun-Haver. His sister was a pro kart racer. He dumbly went out hunting a giant tardigrade, got eaten, got his brain stuffed into her body. Or maybe it's just some cosmetic stitches and extreme post traumatic dissociative behavior, since the level of science and technology out here in the wasteland doesn't really seem all that compatable with brain transplantation. Taking body dysmorphia to whole new levels here.
The most interesting parts, actually dealing with the tardigrade, what the leader dude's posse that he's now searching for did while he was dismembered, how or why his sister ended up being a full body donor… all that is mystery left for another flashback another day. Those seem like the parts that might've added something to the setting. Thankfully, at least the vault kids section was brief this week, though does promise to be longer next week as they learn where babies (don't) come from.
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