Hell’s Paradise #03 — “Law Breakers Break the Laws”
April 15th, 2023
Thanks, random exposition dude.
The nonstop narration is what's absolutely killing this show for me. And it's so goddamned banal too. "I want to kill him/her because that is what I should do. But something is making me hesitate." That sentence alone, repeated about fifty goddamned times devours the entire second half of the episode, and it comes on the heels of Literally Random Criminal Pokemon Trainer spending over five minutes informing them that dangerous criminals are dangerous, and literally the second they arrived on the island, everybody started trying to kill everybody else. What happened here exactly in this time gap? Everybody got their own separate boats and decided to land equidistant all over this island?
How many times are these characters going to retreat into their heads to angst over the same goddamned things? We're three for three on this so far, and not seeming to make any progress whatsoever. And why are they even sword-fighting at all? Dude is literally invulnerable and makes things blow up with his mind, but here we are supposedly struggling with the most boringly unpowered unspecial person around, only held back because his spider sense tells him that she too is a protagonist. The animation is nowhere near good enough to carry the lack of weight to them, nor deal with the story moving at a snail's pace, nor the same emo flailing lamented over every single goddamned episode.
Posted in Hell's Paradise | 2 Comments »
Vol 1 of 13 is done. One of the high points of the source material. That is good pacing for an action adaptation and was needed to introduce the cast and both protagonists but I don´t think that Mappa will invest 39 eps here. Things will either escalate very soon or this is a 3 cour adaptation. The manga´s plot progression becomes way too slow soon enough so I hope for around 26 eps.