Technoroid: Overmind #01 — Sic Semper Tyrannis
January 4th, 2023
…What is even going on in this show?
Woo. Chinese hardsubs while regular broadcast raws are MIA. It's like it's 2011 all over again.
I genuinely don't think that the creators of this actually comprehend the kind of horrifying nightmare that they have envisioned. But then the ending comes and they accidentally stumble onto a murder by the subslave class so… I don't know, maybe they do? But I'm getting ahead of myself. Humanity has created a society of enslaved second class robot citizens that are being forced to sing and dance in order to live, in a literal Tower of Babel where if they fail, they are cast into a pit. They travel everywhere in a human centipede, with bodies so poorly made that they're constantly falling apart.
Somehow, this is not a hellish dystopia, but just regular boy band stuff. They screw up their first performance badly by all singing different songs, but then they meet a sad kid, and after spending the afternoon with him, he hums a song, which they all start singing along with it. The only lyrics are "la la la," but it awakens their inner crystals, and gives them the power to perform a song from the heart (jankass CGI of course), winnng life for another day as they sing and dance like performing animals. So they human centipede their way back around town, finding a drunk who they leave in the care of some robots who proceed to murder him.
So, uh… yeah. Hell if I know. For about 21 minutes, it was just a generic oblivious awful boyband thing, but throwing in a murder at the last second does have a way of tossing in a wrinkle. Enough to make me want to suffer through more of it to find out exactly what was going on? Hells to the no.
Posted in Pretty Boys | 1 Comment »
omnibot 2000 don’t play that shit. don’t commit haram around it or you will seek punishment, inshallah.