Maid Rock #11 — Moe Moe Spew
December 17th, 2022
Thankfully, there are almost no maids next season.
Reminder, Gundam's off this week. I am aware of the Lupin Zero mini-series that started today and runs weekly for the next month. I may still post on it more in depth depending on my mood, but having quickly flipped through the first episode, it has a real James Bond Jr energy. Less an origin story, and more how they were super cool kids doing the same thing as ever, but now they're interested in kid things, like soccer! It's not a great initial impression. Maybe I'll just try to mostly wrap up the season preview tomorrow morning instead. There is so much fantasy next season, and so much of it is going to be… rough.
Given Akiba Maid War doing half-assed maid comedy this season, this doing quarter-assed maid comedy for half the episode is less than ideal. I think it's safe to say that my tolerance for the joke of girls squealing "moe moe kyun" or whatever, both badly and effusively, is well past its limit. And this is after the whole cliffhanger from last week is quickly dispensed with as Bocchi just wandered off for a minute, but comes wandering right back. Why even have it at all?
It's also probably not great to end with the cliffhanger of them playing. So… are you going to start the next episode with a concert? That seems weird from a narrative/storyboarding aspect unless you're going all out and that'll be half the episode. Or are you going to cut over them playing like you did for the rehearsal and in previous episodes. That doesn't seem like the kind of question you should even be suggesting. Could've just done the concert in place of the ED (and OP for that matter) so you could do wrapup/epilogue next week. But hey, we spent most of the episode thinking we're hilarious for referencing maids, so our priorities are clearly what they are.
Posted in Loner Rock | 1 Comment »
The difference is that Akiba Maid War is doing this *ironically* to make people believe that it’s in on the joke. “haha look at these innocent maids killing other maids with guns like they’re gangsters! isn’t that clever?” Something that I don’t see here since it sorta works thematically with Bocchi struggling to even do her part as a maid in a school festival maid cafe?