Drunky Rock! #10 — Flaunting Open Container Laws
December 10th, 2022
I question the wisdom of drunks.
It's a little weird to have a second episode focusing on Drunky when some of the 'main' characters haven't really had even one episode actually focusing on them. It's also not really prefaced on all that much. Bocchi is nervous about performing at the school festival and… needs to be told to believe in herself? That really seems to be pretty much it. Well, that and being subjected to the genuinely painful psychodelic visuals from watching the other performance. My eyes ache after that.
That said, I do think that it actually did for once hit the right beat with Red's apology. That was a short, succinct little scene that did a much better job showing *gags slightly* their friendship and awareness of each other's feelings. But Red was also really not part of the episode at all to this point. Hell, I think the first dude to get a name in this show had more lines than her. It also then decided to leave off with another bizarre cliffhanger of Bocchi disappearing the day of the show. This really is not a cliffhanger show, guys. Just end on the emotional high point.
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