Mega Moose #17 — Field Trip to Australia

October 28th, 2022


Seriously, where are the rad scorpions?


Okay, the shine is fading fast as all the weekly bonkers nonsense that I associate with this show has fallen off and it's fallen into a rut. Which is still a bit weird to say about an episode where they land their space city next to Mad Max civilization so they can go on a field trip. But at the same time, the episode is basically just them wandering around, and every single person failing to run into the people they're plot-connected to. So they instead chat up whoever they do run into. Then some random things randomly attack, so they randomly fight by randomly slapping together as many skills as possible. It's a flat out melange of yelling and plastering the screen with namecards for skills. You are making surfing robots uncool, Megaton Musashi. 

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