Ittoki the Ninja #01 — Is a Ninja, Also Named Ittoki

October 4th, 2022


Thanks for the explanation.

Just so we're clear, Vazzrock is a spinoff/sequel to Tsukiuta/Tsukipro, so I have as much interest in it as I do a 'new' season of Love Live or Idolish7. 


This excessively hides the hook, especially since it's given away in the title of the goddamned show. I was really hoping that he would come out as being secretly hyper competent and just faking a normal life, particularly when he started randomly parkouring around the city and kickflipped over a crashing truck. Alas, this protagonist is of the largely incompetent type, stuck betweens screaming because he sees boobs and screaming because there's an army of ninja assassins ruining his boner. He has as much presence and personality as a sack of grain. I guess at least it wasn't a nonestop inner monologue explaining goddamned everything, nor were there any stat screens. Somehow, that puts it in the upper echelon of new shows this season so far.

It still could've pulled things back a bit had they gone all out with the action for the last five minutes, but they didn't. There was a little bit of martial arts ninja-ing at the start, but then it just… stopped. The badass comes out and they just skipped past it so they could fit in a three minute speech explaining the premise of the show. Which is to say that the main character is a ninja. Again, something that you would think people might have picked up on by the show's title, but here we are spending the closing minutes of the show to exhaustively explain that. The next episode preview did promise a brawl in the local super market, so that's something, but it needs to get its butt in gear with both the action and the characters in a hurry, because while there may only be one other Monday show, it's a Mappa action show (Chainsaw Man, starting next week) that they're clearly putting a buttload of effort into.

Next Episode:

Posted in Ittoki | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • The Phantom says:

    This a Kage Kara Mamoru with some nisekoi elements mixed in, is nowhere near as good as either, and is utterly generic on top of that, copying two successful shows wont make your show good and I am unsure how this trash got animated, I suspect the whole anime industry has reached a point where they just copy paste older shows and call it a day.