Four People and Their Lies #03 — Sexual Favors

October 29th, 2022


Horny pig swarm.


I continue to feel like I should be enjoying this more than I actually am. It's weird. It's absurd. It's not just Girls Do Their Best and actually is fairly self-deprecating on them. There's more to the jokes than just one character making a stupid face and/or screaming, though there is still plenty of both those things. But I think it's the presentation and direction that's letting things down. Certainly cutting to an invisible narrator to explain jokes all the time doesn't help matters, but it also lacks the visual flair to really sell the comedy, and it's not doing anywhere near enough with the character's gimmicks, particularly the ninja girl, who is less a ninja at this point and more just excessively cutesy girl.

Anyway, the first segment was the glasses girl getting spurned twice, so the next ten minutes were spent bustling around and over her for that until she took off her glasses and was attractive. It's not exactly convincing, and certainly not enough to do a whole ten minute spiel on. The second bit was bustling over the ninja girl, who, again, may as well just not be a ninja at all at this point. They also apparently couldn't think up anything for the alien for this bit, so she just got skipped. Running out of gags three episodes in is probably not a good sign, and even more one that it's time to start introducing some new characters or better situations to find some riper fields for the comedy.

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