Atelier Yuri #02 — The Ten Yard Stare of an Empty Mind

October 10th, 2022


An argument for "girls make stupid faces."


I personally subjected myself to six plus months of translating a game about an alchemist running a store for wayward idiots, but as with the actual Gust Atelier series, this is very little like any of that. Yes, Kamidori or Mana Khemia or even Persona would not be the same game if you didn't have to go back to base at times and fiddle for thirty minutes with your inventory and slave over a hot cauldron/executioner's table until you got everything tweaked just right for your next adventure out into the field, but the important part here is going out into the field. Without that, you're just pissing about in spreadsheets and menus for no purpose.

Even if we take it as just meant to be "girls trying their bestest, and being super friends," you then have to ask the question "Well, did you do that?" Not really! She putters about, gets a tour of the village and… uh… Her master shows up for a couple abortive lessons because we're apparently still doing tutorials. She kind of tidies up the house… until everybody else shows up to do it instead of and better than her. And then a bath where we look at some sideboob. Girl power! Farewell to thee, Mondays. See you in 2023.


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