My Master Has No Tail #01 — And No Balls To Fly With

September 30th, 2022


Some giant testicle hang gliding might have helped.


I don't get what's with the glut of shows based on rakugo in recent years, but I suspect that it's because producers are getting old and nostalgic for the radio programs of their youth. I've never gotten the appeal though. There's a reason one-man plays never took off, and this is a far cry from doing stand-up comedy either. Especially this show, which is maybe 20% half-assed comedy to 80% "girls do their best." The protagonist is loud and incompetent. The other lady tells her to go home. She declares she'll do her best at the first thing that caught her attention. That they're magical tick infested critters hardly is enough to call this creative.

There's not much else for it to hang its hat on. Production is quite underwhelming. Nothing interesting going on in the direction, visually or audio. It does the same thing that every hobby show does of sucking the character into sparkly magic world the first time they experience it so they can ooh and aah over it, which I also feel is actually missing the point a little bit. There's a gulf between being a consumer and a producer of things, whether it's writing, acting, or cooking. But all is superficial here. Rakugo is good and magical, therefore it is civilization and we are a girl who is going to do her best. What more is needed?

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