Wage Slave Wants Ghost Girl #01 — Leave
April 7th, 2022
I mean, if you insist.
How hilarious you think the punchline "SO CUTE!" about a teary eyed little girl is will likely determine how much you can enjoy this show, because that's its only punchline. Like most of the rest of this season, it also goes for attacking the ears with out of tune recorders and 30 something voice actresses trying to sound like four year olds by speaking nasally and shrilly. Nothing quite like piercing the eardrums that screams "SO CUTE".
And I'm close to out of things to say about this episode already. There's nothing special or interesting about the direction or animation. The jokes are as one note as they come. There's no story or character development attempted, let alone accomplished. I guess at least towards the end, they thought that they needed to make it all emotional so traded out the obnoxious recorders was soporific sad guitars and pianos, which was less irritating, but just gave the impression that they had already given up on the jokes because after one, they had run out.
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