Party Boy Koumei #02 — Yep, Still Idols
April 7th, 2022
Not getting the big budget for this show, are we, PA Works?
I only flipped through while doing morning stuff, didn't really sit down to watch, but I figured I'd throw up the caps while waiting for the other expectedly abhorrent idol thing to pop up for the day. They hooked up with a spoiled diva and tricked people into being unable to leave the concert she wanted to use to make herself seem more popular to force them to listen to the 'good' idol, a hilarious joke to anybody who has never heard of Ikea or casinos. The actual funny part is that the episode constantly devolved into stills, except for the singing idol bits, which were over-animated. You can really tell what's important here.
Next Episode:
Posted in Party Boy Koumei | 2 Comments »
Im enjoying it but I hope they do bit more than just reuse strategies from olden days.