Blue Footsies #01 — Ball Hog
April 9th, 2022
I'm not sure whoever wrote this has ever played a team sport.
I got a few laughs out of this, so I'm calling that a win. Not that I laughed at the placed where it thought I should laugh, mind you. Its twist on the sports show formula appears to be that the brash yelly protagonist is also the loner ultra-talented ace that don't need no team because he's just that good. Which has a number of hilarious side effects. Like everybody on the sidelines going "Wow! He's so incredible! He's a ball hog and scores anyway! So awesome!" And then someone on the other team, the goalie at that, goes "You're a ball hog and you're better than our entire team. What a loser." Which upsets him so much that he physically attacks him. But that just shows that he has passion and so the unorthodox high school soccer scout that was watching absolutely must have him, which fills him with such soccer zeal that he needs to go sit down.
I think it was really the taunting part at the start that was the best, not just for it being completely bizarre, going on for like a minute straight of yelled insults while I guess everybody was just hanging around oblivious, including the refs, but because they then came back to it later and went "Oh, that scene earlier? We actually cut out a second minute of yelling and he was actually mad about the dude calling his mom poor." Brilliant retcon, guys. Fits right in, smooth as silk. And everybody loves him anyway, because nothing's more important than winning, and so what if he threw the important game, what's important is that they gave him personal glory along the way. Even from the dude who was taunting him, who actually respects the hell out of him and just wants him to succeed because he's just that undeniably good. Three cheers for who's-its! It's almost like sports Twilight Zone.
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