Becoming a Heroine #01 — Yamming Out

April 7th, 2022


The high point of the episode.


Is speaking nasally actually cute? Is this something that people really want? Listening to the protagonist shriek through the entire episode, always through her nose, was not the worst assault on my ears that this season has inflicted, but it wasn't a high point either, especially for the reveal that her classmates are the hot new boy band, which of course prompted about a five second "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" Let me tell you, that yell does not get any less piercing after the three second mark.

For an idol show, it also steered somewhat clear of idol stuff, instead steering headlong into the reverse harem side. Not deftly in any way though. Our mousy, yelly, socially awkward protagonist needs a job, and somehow stumbles into being the manager for her world famous classmates, because "EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" again, which is how we end the episode. They hate girls because girls are a pain, but she works hard and tries her best! I mean, not in this episode. She stumbles blithely through the entire cast of characters, every one getting 5-10 lines before bouncing off to the next, but don't worry, her trying her besting will come soon enough! …There is not a lot of thought or heavy lifting going on here with the script.

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