Princess Connect #25 — Everything Explodes
March 28th, 2022
Remember when the action sequences in this show weren't just a series of explosions?
I guess the music was kind of nice. Otherwise, remember how I mocked this for doing the grunting and indistinct explosions from a distance thing? Well, this episode decided to triple down on that, with the big boss battle being nothing but that repeated about four times. Worse, each one had to be interrupted by the stupid cat pleading for friendship. It's not that a villain can't have a face turn, but you gotta set some groundwork for it at some point, not just spend ten minutes yelling that the crazy sadistic mass murdering lunatic that she has always been is not really her. It very much is. Even King Bowser has more nuance and depth to his character than this crazy. He's at least a devoted father to one child.
The real joke of the episode might have been trying to milk Yuuki getting hurt from overexertion though. Five goddamned minutes we spent trying to wring melodrama out of that. Not from getting stabbed or sacrificing himself to take a shot for someone else, for grunting too hard during one of the many giant explosions. The damn motorcycle in Vanishing Line was more of a character than Yuuki is, and didn't spontaneously erupt in jelly jam from excessive screaming. But of course he's perfectly fine not thirty seconds later, no harm, no foul. Yay friendship power. Or whatever. Mostly, I'm annoyed at that one over-animated genuinely impressive episode halfway through this season that made me hang on to the end. Why couldn't we at least have had another sequence like that instead of the parade of explosions?
Posted in Princess Connect | 3 Comments »
*Opened bag fearing a loud, weightless sakuga orgy of a MCU-ish third act where the whole world is at stake but no one really is because the good guys are supposed to win, only to get just that.*
I don’t what I expected.
Time to hold my breath, expect them to announce season 3 or a film, and start despairing over the future of anime.