Banished From the Hero’s Party #01 — The Endless Narration of an Empty Mind

September 29th, 2021


I'm ready for the giant robots now.

I'll just do one quick check to make sure I didn't miss any pre-airs before posting the season preview, he naively thought to himself. This monstrously titled show, which is the paragraph in the upper left corner of every screenshot, begins broadcast on October 6th.


I expected something with promos entirely focused on females with massive back pain in their future to be a lot more either fanservice or comedy based, but it's neither. Well, there is quite a bit of balloon-boob emphasis, but the real focus is the internal narration. The internal narration of the protagonist stricken by generalized ennui because he was gifted by the gods with the power of being too awesome. Not because he's talented, or smart, or skilled. He has the skill of "is awesome," which drives men to impotent jealousy, and women to unbridled arousal. I mean, he can take on a B rank adventure in one slash! Like, wow! What a dude!

I suppose at least he wasn't reincarnated, and there aren't stat screens, but all the same fingerprints are there. Even above and beyond that, it's just plain boring. It's twenty minutes of listening to a dullard monologue to himself. You can make a show about a super awesome dude, and even find ways to frame things to get people to root for the billionaire bat cosplay enthusiast beating up mental patients. The problem is not that the good guy has every advantage and is too awesome as long as you make that fun. This is not fun. This is a profoundly boring dude, trying to sell his malaise as the non-drama that cowards call slice of life. Tell a goddamned story. Develop a character. Put a challenge in front of your characters and make them grow or learn something about themselves as they overcome or accept it. Oh no, a sick kid. I'll just have to use my god given awesomeness to save him. MacGyver this ain't. 


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