Villains Drive #08 — Surprise Sadist Rapist Pedophile Slaver Gang

November 26th, 2020


But at least they don't do drugs.


I'm of two minds about this episode. On one hand, Whose-Her-Face finally steps up and starts stepping into being a badass in the way that I said these things generally go a few weeks ago. On the other hand, it does so in a tremendously revolting and obnoxious way. They randomly stumble into a gang of sadistic pedophile rapist slavers whose every single line is about how much they love raping, enslaving, and murdering girls. We have a ridiculous doctor, lightsaber Dragonball battles, and a magic motorcycle for our super duper collapse-all-society-to-fight evil, but the gangs of rapist slavers are… uh… also there too, just to provide the normie someone to guiltlessly kill. And, of course, the Haircut of Character Development, which just makes me roll my eyes. If I had more respect for the writing, I would say that the change out of all her pink stuff, even the hair, was foreshadowing her pissing off that other murder-dude, but I don't.

The escape pod on the rocket falls into a similar category. That's a perfectly good kind of swerve for why they'd jump on a rocket to nowhere, but even while the escape pod is being jettisoned, Whose-Her-Other-Face is clutching towards the non-moon for no reason. Same goes with the random aside to the Super Cops. All we see from them this week is being yelled at about how you ain't going solo, rookie, cause going solo is bad. Except a few weeks ago, we were tacitly letting the dead dude go solo as a lesson to the rookie about how passionate we are about killing. A little internal consistency here, guys. But at least we finally had an episode without a random puppet show power point presentation. 

Next Episode:

Posted in Villains Drive | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Marmot says:

    Whatever happened to the cyborg guy with the eye?