She’s Just Cute #01 — By Stalkers, For Stalkers

October 2nd, 2020


Not so much a meet-cute as it is a meet-kill-them-both-please.

I need a break to do actual work. Or at least be present in a meeting or two. I'll get to the rest of Fridays shows in a couple hours.


Not to be glib, but having the title screamed at me every couple minutes was exactly as obnoxious as you would think that it is, and without that, what else is there? The romanticization of being an aggressive jackass, essentially catcalling a girl, but it turns out to be exactly what she always wanted, dreamed of, and makes her instantly not only fall for you, but be utterly devoted to serve your every want and need? Well, it's cool as long as we're screaming about how cute she is every two minutes. Oh, and how about a few closeups of tight sweaters and shots of her thighs in a skirt? I mean, as long as this is totally a romance and not some kind of trashy wish fulfillment fantasy about an obnoxious, overbearing jackass and a dutch wife brought to life to faithfully serve his every desire.

I'm not sure what demographic this one is going for either, besides screaming people who want sex slaves, I mean. There's too much cacophony to get into any sort of soothing mellow going, but also zero dramatic elements or story to speak of. The jokes are only having lines occasionally screamed out. She's not even particularly cute. You could put the hazy bubble effect on a 56k modem and it would probably evoke the same response, not to mention be a source of fewer irritating noises. 

Next Episode:

Posted in She's Just Cute | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    The Fuck is this? I was expecting the girl to become a werewolf or a vampire or grow a giant head and bite his head off, but that does not seems is going to happen, what the fuck is this show about? is this seriously what Japan has to animate nowadays?

  • Anonymous says:

    still seems like a better show than last crusade or gymnast ninja. Im on ep 2 and the main draw is finding out if she is scamming him, actually likes him or is just there because she has nowhere to go