King’s Raid #01 — A Very Serious Fantasy

October 2nd, 2020




My prediction from Sorcery Fight was accurate. Yeesh. This begins with random visual effects against the backdrop of space, and zooms in to show a dude running through nothing as random stuff bounces off him. And the reason I spent a sentence to describe its weak-ass hook is because this would be about the most animated thing in the episode. The only competition was its obligatory gore scene to try to sell us that this is actually some kind of dark fantasy where People Can Die For Real! See how we're killing off all these characters? There are dudes shouting their names! That guy had an arrow in his head! Dark and serious fantasy!

Meanwhile, we have our protagonist, an unnotable teenager with no particular talents or skills who wants to fight to protect the things he cares about. I can say this for certain because he shouts it at people no fewer than four times in the episode. He's joined by his childhood friend and priestess Giant Tits McGee, whose sole raison d'etre is fussing over him. But he MUST PROTECT HIS FRIENDS! He reminds her for the third time today. There's also some dark elves, there for the racism angle but will presumably become main characters at some point judging by them being the sole focus of the ED, as well as various nobles who are existing about fifty feet offscreen from everybody else. I assume they're there to provide gravitas and an assurance that there are totally political intrigues and conspiracies going on befitting a very serious fantasy like this. Yes, yes. Mmhmm. Ahem ahem. Very serious. Very fantasy.


Next Episode:

Posted in King's Raid | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    All the characters are godawful moving empty head cliches, and the show simply looks bad, if they focused on the dark elves killing everyone that would be another history but is seems is just magical racism and they will overcome it to become good guys… come on japan.

  • Anonymous says:

    I who watch shironeko project zero chronicle had hard time finishing this ep.