Hypnosis Mic #01 — Lost In Translation

October 2nd, 2020


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Uhhhh, describing this is going to be an adventure. Essentially, it's five four minute introductions to idol groups. It starts with the literal feminist Nazis giving an info dump about the setting, and gets progressively weirder from there. All four of the boy band groups does about three minutes of intro to state their gimmick, then raps at some poor random dudes who simply stand there and take it until they literally explode. It's not like they're having rap battles or something. They just rap at dudes who gasp as speedlines shoot past them until the characters who didn't have their names plastered up on screen explode. Which is especially bad when the explosion happens to them yelling in English "Good Job!"

Even that doesn't capture the progression though. The first group is street punks. Okay, fine. Hip hop has its roots there. The second group are cops busting a drug deal. Okay, fine. We're calling rapping a weapon. That makes… some sense. Then we get to the third group, a bunch of mimbos who are using rap attacks to mass seduce women and/or pan handle. They quite literally scamper away from a horde of office ladies trying to have sex with them. Then we move on to the final group, a bunch of hospital workers. Okay, so they're going to rap away cancer or something, I guess? No. They rush up tot he rooftop where there's somehow a hostage situation in progress, so they summon a ghost train which in turn summons lightning. 

So… yeah. To say that I don't know that I could follow the narrative thread of this episode or even what kind of tone it was going for would be an understatement. I mean, it's clearly ridiculous and not taking itself seriously, which is a good thing, but I doubt that's enough to pull in anybody who doesn't just want to watch silly CGI dudes rapping. And maybe that's enough? I don't know. I feel like this episode might have been lacking even if it was just something like "dudes with super powers" instead of long cutaways into the rap-i-verse that always end in corny explosions.

Posted in Hypnosis Mic | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • residentgrigo says:

    Better than most idol crap but not weird enough. Which says a lot about how weird anime is as a baseline. 5?/10