Woodpecker Detective Office #01 — Embarrassingly Poor Forensics

April 13th, 2020


Stop making Sherlock Holmes as a pretty boy shows.


And here we have, inexplicably, our second show of the season that reimagines Japanese authors as 20-something pretty boys who go around solving trouble in between lounging around and looking pretty. Instead of (not) fighting literary blob monsters though, this time they solve mysteries. And by solve mysteries, I mean it's one of those lazy, terribly written Sherlock Holmes knockoffs, right down to the super genius Holmes and bumbling Watson dynamic. There's even a nagging landlady. The most distinctive part is probably the occasional moments where it seems like someone lost control of the animation entirely. The camera starts to drift, and the framerate jumps from its usual 5 FPS to about 90, despite it showing nothing but a dude shifting in place. It only happens a couple times, but I had to rewind to make sure I wasn't having a stroke. Yet, also the most engaging moments of the episode.

I'm not even sure how to take the double fake where he told a cockamamie story that put the angrily incredulous cops in their place with extraordinarily flimsy evidence, then turned around and said that it was all made up, but cops are so stupid that they wouldn't believe him without proof… of a made-up nonsense story. So to recap, he saw a bloodstain that he thought looked wrong, and immediately went in to fabricate evidence, contaminate the crime scene, mislead the police, and ended it with "Well, who could ever really know who the actual murderer was? Not my problem." Yes, why else would there be ash in a smoker's garbage can if someone hadn't been burning evidence? That's the only possible explanation for it. Also, nobody can smell burning paper when you do it in the same room as them. Notable fact. Even Detective Pikachu would be embarrassed by these forensics. 

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