Tamayomi #01 — Not Quite Straight
March 31st, 2020
In a number of ways.
This was a pre-air special from a couple weeks back, but actual broadcasts are on Wednesdays, beginning tomorrow.
I got a little bit of amusement from chuckling at this show. Not with the show. There's only so many ways you can take one of them faceplanting into the other's crotch, rubbing her face all over it, and saying how great she smells. And then they make a big deal about curve balls. And then the traumatizing incident from her past is that her catcher had a tantrum because, yeah, sure, she was striking people out, but the catcher sucked too much to catch thrown strikes, and it's all the pitcher's fault! How dare she! Feel bad for that, you jerk!
I think the strangest part of the episode may be the musical direction though. The first half is almost eerily silent for the most part, but then the piano keeps kicking in, and it's always the same minimalistic piano elevator music. Minimalistic is also a word that could be used to describe the animation. The characters definitely have issues with their facial features tending to drift and float around their blobby heads. There's not a whole much separating the characters either. The one with the shorter pigtails is a bit more of an excitable repressed lesbian archetype, and the one with the higher ones would probably not be out of place if all her lines were replaced by "And what gay nonsense is this?" Notice that neither are either of the titular characters, who collectively have zero personality traits between them except I guess "want to do their best."
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