High School Geniuses Have It Easy #01 — Playing on Tutorial Mode
October 7th, 2019
Why does this just make me think of an RTS game's tutorial map?
This was an ordeal to get through, and not just because the first thing I did after sorting out the caps was to accidentally delete all of them, forcing me to do it twice, but that didn't help. It takes the concept of "show don't tell" and decides that it'd work much better as "Tell, don't show, then tell some more." At its absolute best, it has busty elves making out with teenagers for no real reason, leaving massive spit trails dripping down between them. It is not frequently at its best. Speaking of which, I'm not even sure what this is supposed to be. It's like it thinks its premise of "high schoolers are the best" covers comedy, action, and drama, and it's just going to leave things there.
Most of the episode is spent with various people, occasionally even a narrator, just straight up tell us how cool the characters are, in the way 8 year olds on a playground define cool. "This is Bob. He's the best at money ever. He makes so much money. His money is the best money." There's five goddamned straight minutes of that. Then when they get to their actual 'challenge', it ends up just being them standing up to adults. Not even really using their abilities, except for the magic kid, who is simply ridiculous. Just standing up to them, which sends the adults on their heels. I could see this premise working in kind of a McGuyver or Ocean's Eleven type deal, but not if the assumption is "they're cool because they're teenagers" is as much effort as they're going to put into… well, every single aspect, from story to direction to animation, and even that may be selling the animation a little too high.
Posted in High School Geniuses | 2 Comments »
A good summary… I’m not sure whether it was “and I fixed our cell phones to work” (uh, how?) or “the nuclear reactor we had in the plane is still operational” that I realized just how easy they were going to make it for our heroes.