Cinderella Nine #01 — Maybe She’s Born With It

April 7th, 2019


Maybe her eyebrows shouldn't be green.


One day, one of these will have as much to do with its sport as Softenni did with soft tennis. It will be a delightfully maddening trip through the surreal with a suspicious number of references to some random other show amid a copious amount of fanservice. This will not be that show, although it certainly does touch on a trip into the maddening surreal. I speak, of course, of their eyebrows. Their giant eyebrows. Their giant eyebrows that, for reasons I can't even begin to fathom, all match the color of their giant glowing eyes. The brown eyed ones look sort of okay. The blue and green eyed ones? It looks like they did a faceplant into clown paint. And then there's the lead on who has blue eyes and extra puffy lips that have a permanent glisten like she starts her day with a can of crisco slammed into her face. People approved these designs and then convinced others that they were fine. Everyone was then paid for it. Thinking about things like that keeps me up at night.

In any case, it's a "girls in a club" show. Certainly ain't a comedy. The dramatic side is "that one dressed stupidest doesn't believe in herself, but through the power of friendship, she'll learn to do her best." And by best, I mean of course, put in the barest minimal effort for about fifteen seconds. That's not enough though, so they also toss in "You have to find enough people who are willing to do their best or your club will be shut down." Don't worry though, I'm sure they'll be going to regionals soon enough. Aside from the weird makeup, nothing anybody who's reading this hasn't seen a billion times before, and will likely at least glance at a billion more times after this. 

Posted in Cinderella Nine | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • anise_punter says:

    But the blonde girl won’t be as unfortunately named as the one in Softenni was, so that’s a start? I dunno, I haven’t watched anything other than bocchi yet.