Zombieland Saga #07 — CGI Budget Has Run Out
November 15th, 2018
Our transition to generic insipid idol crap appears complete.
This show's decline continues thanks in large part to a particularly godawful looking extended CGI dance affair that it tried to use as a remix moment of triumph. You see, Whose-Her-Face pulled herself together FOR FRIENDSHIP AND IDOLNESS or whatever, so everyone celebrated and hugs for all. But the other one was still angsty, because of her PTSD, then she pulled herself together FOR FRIENDSHIP AND IDOLNESS or whatever. And that was literally the whole thing. I'm sad, oh wait, now I'm not. Yay idols! Now here's some truly godawful CGI from the second graders. Hope you enjoy it!
A two episode 'arc' where both of them just wallowed in their own self pity until they decided to stop wallowing. Not predicated on anything in particular. Not resolved by anybody doing a damn thing. Just an excuse for some melodramatic backstory spewed out that it couldn't even decide whether or not it was supposed to be a joke. This episode barely even tried to pretend like it was a comedy either. A couple recycled sight gags are all you're getting.
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Posted in Zombieland Saga | 3 Comments »
The 15 seconds where white got drilled by the van with the producer yelling “This isn’t something that’s gonna stop you!” was what I was hoping this entire show was going to be.
CGI idol sequences are not only a blight on the anime industry, but on humanity itself