Double Decker #01 — Screaming Exposition

September 30th, 2018


Please stop yelling at me.


And so we kick off our fall season with an episode that technically came out a month ago. At least it's Sunrise so it's not embarassing itself on the production front. Same can't really be said about the direction or writing front though. I think that it's trying to be cool, but it does so through the traditional Japanese Jump methods of posing and yelling. It can't help but yell. Constantly. Even when characters are trying to make 'cool' statements, like "I use this old fashioned gun because… old fashioned guns are cool, for cool dudes like me," which I might add is not something said with any irony, the narrator cuts in to scream at the audience "THAT'S RIGHT! HE IS A COOL DUDE! THIS IS A COOL SHOW ABOUT COOL PEOPLE FOR COOL PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" And that's leaving aside the designated twink that the episode centers on, who is your standard obnoxious screaming Jump ninny who spends the whole thing yelling "I AM GOING TO BE A COOL GUY!"

And then there's the other standby, lengthy exposition, also often screamed. There's this bit right in the middle where they put everything on pause to deliver a lecture about the drug, complete with arbitrary numbering schema, levels, etc… but even that's not enough because the screaming narrator again cuts in to deliver a supplemental addendum to the lecture. So we've not only put events on pause to explain that magic PCP is dangerous… for a second time… but we've put that on hold to further clarify. There's no goddamned need for any of it. All that's left at the end is the memory that I was screamed at for about 20 minutes about how cool this was. Maybe it's all supposed to be ironic. I wouldn't place any large bets on that though.

Posted in Double Decker | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • jgoi says:

    I was considering this (even with the 50/50 chance of it being yaoi) because of its slight relation to tiger and bunny but the cg animation is a 100% deal breaker.