Persona 5 #01 — Copy Paste Adapting
April 7th, 2018
Ah, Japanese adaptation. You truly are… the absolute lamest.
If all you're going to do is a shot for shot remake, edited down for time, then don't bother. Go watch one of a hundred thousand let's plays. Hell, a large chunk of this was already animated in the game itself. Most of what ended up getting skipped over was the tutorial gameplay sequences… and the little bits of action that was animated in the game, which is a forboding sign for the future. I don't even know what there is to say about this. As an adaptation, it's a bland copy paste of the script and scenes. On its own, it's a nonsensical series of vignettes that never come together, centered on a character who spends the whole thing staring gormlessly. It's exactly how you adapt something as lazily as possible, selling itself not on being good, but on being a copy paste.
Posted in Persona | 5 Comments »
Would you have preferred a Yank adaptation with Adam Sandler on voice duty?