A Story that Leads to THE Antarctica #01 — Double Take

December 29th, 2017


This sure was tiresome.

Early netcast, I guess. True broadcast begins on the 2nd.


Boy, my patience with this episode started running pretty thin at about the three minute mark. And then we get to the meet-cute moment where Girl B, all wind and sparkles, passes by, dropping an envelope full of money. Girl A picks it up, there's a BWONG to reveal the money, but the joke's not finished yet. She looks again, in the classic double take for a GIANT BWONG and screams "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Then, for some reason, a recorder starts playing. Half the music in general feels like it was pulled from hot mics of random musicians noodling around in between recording elevator music. The other half is elevator music.

This is basically Generic PA Works Show in all but name. Aimless teenage girl is bumming around life aimlessly, but something shiny catches her eye, so an insert song kicks in. She quickly discovers that the true magic is the friendship she found along the way related to a shared superficial infatuation with Random Noun. But mostly, it's just faffing about without point or purpose. The 'drama' that drives it is that there is no drama. Its very purpose is to question its own existence, only to already have gotten to the perfunctory "Yay, I did it!" Of course, by not actually having done anything. Simply by having it fall into the lap and emotional moment faked from there. This brings nothing new, nor even does any of that with any kind of story, humor, character, or heart.  

Posted in Antarctica | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    The only memorable thing about no game no life was the intro song, nothing to watch here so moving along.

  • anise_punter says:

    the thing about antarctica is that it sucks and nobody should ever want to go there