18if #06 — And Now, A Random Robot
August 11th, 2017
Can we start killing these morons please?
Another episode where it's pretty hard to see what they were going for. Girl is gang-bullied after being recorded shoplifting, gets suicidal, gets power from coma based on her favorite show, immediately sets about to murder her classmates. It's the standard super villain story, except apparently all it took was a random stranger telling her to believe in herself, and she gave that right up. I'm starting to get to the point where I would much rather they be killing all these girls instead of spending a minute listening to them, spouting some empty platitude about believing in oneself, and calling it a day. What was the lesson here? Hell, what was the story?
I guess this episodes's kind of noteworthy compared to the last few since they more or less wrap everything up by about the 18 minute mark, and then spend the last four minutes in essentially a total nonsequitur mech sequence. Definitely not a parody, mind you. Just the standard "we dropped our characters into the cliche scene, and followed the cliche script." I think the closest it came was that the cat remarked that his appearance hadn't changed.
Posted in 18if | 1 Comment »
I’m throwing in the towel on this one now – it’s taken six episodes but this one finally broke me. Good luck with the rest.