Knight’s and Magic #01 — Setup and Montages

July 2nd, 2017


I prefer my narrators to be sarcastic.


It's more than a little bizarre for the narration to declare six and a half minutes in that this is where the story begins… as it launches into a particularly half-assed montage. A lot about this show doesn't make much sense, starting with the core concept of mech fanboy reincarnated into a fantasy world with mechs. They then proceed to make a big deal about how he's amazing at everything, just kind of ignoring that it's because he has an unfair advantage over everyone. They're also happy to have characters deliver whatever infodump they feel like, but then the narrator will also butt in as it launches into yet another unneeded montage and chunk of exposition. 

The whole thing feels like it could've cut the first 16 minutes of the episode with very little actually lost, and even less of value. That's not a good look. It's not even like things then kicked into high gear at that point either. He fanboyed over mechs some more, and they fought some monsters. Basically, a reiteration of the start, minus some of the dumbest stuff, and now he's grown up… sort of, with his very own harem. That's kind of an even worse look. Production's not weak, but it's not going to impress either, especially with the focus on CGI for all the mechs and monsters. I guess it seems harmless enough, and doesn't infuriate, but this episode was all setup… and setup for the setup… and isn't doing anything well enough along the way to even pretend to be a hook.


Posted in Knight's and Magic | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    *Two children appear*, 1 minute later, *they will become their lifelong friends*… WTF Narrator stop spoiling the damn thing?

  • Neclord X says:

    Hey, it has giant insects, robots and gunblades, thats…something. LN wish fullfillment by the book, but eh, at least things are happening and its the first episode, that’s more than I can say of lot of shows.

  • Sol says:

    So none of them cared about the dead carriage driver in the beginning?

  • arknoir says:

    wonderboy in mecha world.

    Weird that this totally rubbed me the wrong way with its wish fulling pandering and marty stu-ness, but i didn’t mind this.