Chronos Ruler #01 — Timenannies

July 7th, 2017


You're in time-out, Mr. Monster. Wait patiently.


It started out with some rather stylish action. Almost K-like, but with fewer neon lights. But then we reached about a minute and a half in, and the budget ran out. It was truly godawful once the monster of the week appeared. One of the most patient ones ever too. All the jazz in the world can't hide that you guys spent close to five straight minutes standing around delivering exposition. The closest things to animation in that span were CGI cards flying around randomly, and posing while the camera swung around like a drunken sailor's tetherball. After that, it threw maybe five punches before getting one-shot. Not a fight, so much as the suggestion that there might've been a fight. You just needed to use your imagination for it. Preferably to imagine a show where they didn't spent five minutes having the monster sit in the corner during time-out.

Its Jump heritage would be on full display then, dragging its heels every inch of the way. The humor is not the nonsequiturs about pulling pasta out of the ass, but of either yelling at or hitting him for doing so. The muggle exists solely so they have somebody they can explain everything about the setting to in the most lengthy and roundabout way possible. I'm not sure what the drag queen is there for. Probably because Jump thinks that they're innately hilarious. Doesn't even really eat the lounge singer for some nice goriness either. Just kind of de-ages and absorbs her shiny bits. I guess the jazz was niceish though.


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