RE:CREATORS #03 — Sitting is the Real Killer
April 22nd, 2017
"Third episode, time to stop giving a rat's ass."
I glanced through ATOM's second episode, but it was pretty much the same as the first. Despite the OP's promises, another bland 20 minutes of wandering around and rambling about robots, while the actual robot content itself was it popping out of someone's ass for 30 seconds to punch something, and then vanishing back into the ether.
That said, this show is close to fraying my last nerve too. So we have a bunch of people with super powers, running around in a battle royale. So let's spend an entire episode in Some Apartment and A Diner. Within a minute, the 'cliffhanger' from last week was dealt with by deus ex pegasus knight, and the entire rest of the episode was the characters spent on their asses talking. The protagonist wasn't even allowed to share a table at the diner with the big kids. They could've been going through the most compelling philosphical thoughts known to man (they weren't), or revealing bombshell after bombshell reveal (they weren't, and there's still no actual plot yet), and it still would've been a grueling, tedious episode of dullard morosely being dull. I guess this is what the show is when it doesn't bother to have even the paltry minute of action. Pure drivel.
Posted in RE:CREATORS | 4 Comments »
Does this show want to be a really bad slice of life or an action series? Both? I have no idea what the plot is supposed to be and it’s 3 episodes in.