Long Title Cycling Club #01 — Swooping Season

January 6th, 2017

It's a wonder this idiot hasn't killed herself because she forgot not to stick a fork in her eye.


I hope you like shots of scenery, falling cherry petals, girls standing in the wind, and soothing music, because the first minute sets expectations at rock bottom, and boy, does it live up to them. This is a show that feels the need to explain how bicycles work, because the protagonist is too stupid to remember that you need to use the pedals. And yet, she's going downhill, so it would seem that nobody on staff here understands how bicycles work. The other character similarly fails to live up to non-expectations by her first impression being her announcing how pretty the scenery is. Still, I think the prize for the worst of all the characters has to have been the teacher, who existed solely to deliver a speech about how this was the time for girls to be friends, and youth is the bestest times of ever, and be friends, and go on adventures, and be friends, and go as far as their feet will take them, and be friends. Followed immediately by the others basically going "but feet don't go as far as BIKES!" And then, after the ED, there was a bit where the voice actors visited a bicycle store to ooh and aah over… bike frames.

Good god, Japan. This was basically the sloppy blowjob for idol stuff, only directed towards bikes, with everything as subtle as a sack of bricks to the face. Even in a medium almost entirely staffed with wafer-thin characters, these manage to be especially idiotic with zero indictment of that from the creators only fawning sentimentality of the joyness of their innocence. And like always, godawful characters paired up with no story and no humor only leaves me wondering what the goddamned hell is supposed to keep people watching. A love for bicycles bordering on the fetishistic?

Posted in Anime | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anise_punter says:

    “It’s a wonder this idiot hasn’t killed herself because she forgot not to stick a fork in her eye. ” Give me a SOL show where the short brown haired too dumb to live main girl(TM) is *that* dumb and I am there.

    The one show from Silver Link, Annehappy, kind of tried that last year, but the other characters weren’t very good and the series tone couldn’t decide what it wanted to be.

    • anise_punter says:

      When short brown hair too dumb to live main girl pulled out her sandwich and was attacked by the birds, I wanted it to get all out ridiculous and just be that way the rest of the series. Why don’t they make shows like that anymore that are more than 2 minutes long?

  • The Phantom says:

    I lasted like 3 minutes, the moment she took the bicycle and the title showed up impliying some kind of bicycle show I was like nonononono, just no.

    It is me or they make these stupid shows on purpose so they can cheap the animation by doing scenery-porn while the girls ride bicycle?