Izetta #09 — Bondage Pornography

November 26th, 2016


Never go full CGI.


You know, for all the whining Izetta was doing at the end about how this was all for Princess Jesus, I can't recall the last time she was even marginally relevant to anything. Maybe it really was episode 2. The show continues to be schizophrenic as well. Dour faced men sitting around talking about the gravity of war, but meanwhile, the piece de triumph showing the horror of the cackling evil madman is… tricking Izetta into crashing so she can tie her up (breasts bulging, no less), humiliate her, and demoralize everyone. And this was after the single worst action sequence of the show; essentially nothing but CGI swords randomly clanging into each other.

Even the antagonist is cartoonishly out of place, being the standard foreigner (who's-totally-not-American) created in a lab, presented with po-faced obliviousness. If you want to indulge in such tired out cliches, then lean into them. Go hog wild. Really create an actual monster. Show that you're having some fun with your creation. Don't just splash a little blood on her face and then have her laugh and be a low end dominatrix. I'm pretty sure Izetta is 100% into that anyway, as long as it's Princess Jesus doing it. Juxtaposed against the 16 prior minutes of dour talking heads discussing politics and logistics and/or girls rambling about how much their relationship means to each other, it's a random bounce from torture poirn to… well, I'd say the West Wing and Girlmore Girls, but the writing talent here remains only of the torture porn quality. 

Next Episode:

Posted in Izetta | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • algorithm says:

    Witch mammary glands, getto daze.

  • anise_punter says:

    Regarding the princess/duchess/whatever her title is

    Dear Japan (and for that matter, also the people who wrote the most recent Star Wars film): “Being too selfless” as one’s only character flaw does not make for a relatable character.

    • Aroduc says:

      It’s especially ironic given the overwhelming trope of “I’ll fight because I have things **I** care about!” I imagine it’s probably the difference between cultural pressures honestly; ours being more individualistic and Japan’s being more collectivist (both broadly speaking), so what stands out is going against the societal ‘norm.’

      It’s still asinine.

  • Germanguy says:

    also, history tell us that japan and Germany where allies, and here no hints so far till now with the notgermania and them.. seems like they do not want to show themselves as the bad guys

    • Germanguy says:

      in Drifters the Nippon Guys and Girl, are the heroes and it is well received in Japan, i am not right?

  • Opulent Rag says:

    This show seems to actually take glee in shooting itself in the foot every episode. And yet in the end, I don’t know which of us is dumber; it for repeatedly trying to sell an interesting story with two female leads as strong, bright-eyed heroes only to treat them like cretins and dumb down the plot at every opportunity, or me for believing these assholes every time and I’m nine episodes in.