WWW.WORKING!! #01 — Now With Less!
October 1st, 2016
Of everything!
Consider this a public service, because it was atrocious. Any slight lingering feelings of affection I may have had for this franchise dating back to Yamada living in the attic with her collection of severed heads are now dead and buried. Hell, it began with a 2.5 minute montage of people arriving at work or puttering around the restaurant. It began with an entire commercial break's worth of content-less filler. It would be a drastic step up if it had, in the grand tradition of Japanese media "more of the goddamned same," just taken the characters from the first series and given them new character designs. Don't get me wrong. There's certainly a bit of that too, but this cast is dullness incarnate. If you were hoping for anything like personality or humor, then turn back at the gate, because all there is to find here is a character looking exasperated or surprised every now and then.
So who's this for, exactly? People who were fans of the original, but thought there was simply too much wackiness and character in it? Too many jokes? Not enough blandness? Well, good for those people. They can enjoy this, the unsalted saltine cracker of humor.
Posted in Anime | 2 Comments »
This makes me miss inami’s punches sort of. They were funny sometimes.